To Feel


With the Osm’oz sports coaching at home, surrounded by nature, at the Qi bubble, find fair sensations to refine each movement and posture.

In depth work to find mobility, strength and fluidity.

Sessions adapted to the Chinese energy season: toning, harmonization, regeneration, we take care of our body for better physical and energy hygiene.

Every Thursday 6:00 p.m. – 7:30 p.m.

in the Bulle de Qi in Sallanches

All year round (maxi 6 people),
Possibility to start at any time of the year.

Price 15 €/session

Osm’oz sports coaching

The osm’oz concept achieves osmosis between. Traditional Chinese. And physical preparation.
We fully connect to his body by rebalancing it with energy and mind.

Osm’oz is 4 parameters with which we play to live in his body :

  1. Connect to oneself between earth and sky,
  2. Ruckle by harmonizing the posture and circulation of energy,
  3. Feel by soliciting the muscular chains and associated meridians, to either harmonize them, tone them or regenerate them.
  4. Regenerate with the self-massage of meridians and acupuncture points, soft articular mobilizations, and stretching.

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